Thursday, May 07, 2015

We Are Christ's Children Too

Today the need did my weekly internet radio show about the God's command to love our brothers and sisters. I am very perturbed when I hear Christians who say they love God and love Jesus vilify and demean TGLBQ people just because of who they are. 

I wonder if these same people ever stop to realize that they could be Christians that love God and Jesus who are transgender,gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, or gender variant sitting in the seat next to them. I know of born again Christians who were ask to their places of worship just because of who they were. 

With the increased visibility of transgender and gender variant persons, I believe that some people's love is being put to the test. Do they really love God or do they have call I would call 'cultural Christianity?' Dr. Martin Luther King was correct when he said that the most segregated hour is Sunday morning service. For professing Christians it shouldn't be this way. 

This is an exciting time in our history as many places and institutions are discussing subjects like transgender rights and non discrimination policies. Transgender people have always existed and for someone to say that we are deviant and evil and mistakes is cruel and erroneous. There have been too many of us who have died because we were open and honest about who we were. The world is looking for authenticity,not the cookie cutter model presented by society.

I pray that hearts and minds will be changed during this exciting time.I thank God for the many places of worship who are open and affirming of TGLBQ people.I pray that more more will be. In the meanwhile, get to know the gay person or the transgender woman in your congregation. Let my lesbian sisters be a part of the ministry, Above all, let us love God and ALL those who enter our doors.   

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